Growth Mindset: I Am A Perfectionist

The article I read for the growth mindset was titled Top 11 Signs That You're A Perfectionist. The article is a part of a series that is written by Celestine Chua. The link to it can be found here.

1. No room for mistakes - this is definitely something that I struggle with. If I see a mistake, I can't just let it be. Sometimes this is good (especially in the line of work that I do) and other times it would be best if I just let it go.

2. Very specific manner in which things should be done - HA! This is me to a T! It says that people often have difficulties working with people like this. I find this true as well. I like things done a certain way and if it's not done that way, it really bothers me. Typically I find myself just doing everything because I will end up going back to redo someone else's work if I work in a group. I just find it easier to do it myself up front.

3. All-or-nothing approach - This partially fits me. It says you either do it all or do nothing and there is no in between. I usually can't just sit back and do nothing. So there's that.

4. All about the end result - I don't see this as an issue for me. I do want the end result to be perfect and has to be the best product that I can possibly put out, but I do focus on the so called journey to get there too. I think focusing on the in between is a way to learn and improve.

5. Extremely hard on yourself - Well....mark me down for this one too. Pretty much in everything I do, if I'm not successful at a task, I'm very critical of myself.

6. Become depressed when you don't achieve your goal - I think this is true to a certain extent for me. I wouldn't say it's depression, but I definitely am very disappointed.

7. Extremely high standards - This part talks about procrastination when you're held up by your goals. I didn't realize this part of myself, but that's true too. If I'm not achieving my goals as quickly as I would like, then I tend to procrastinate.

8. Success is never enough - I think that this is true to a certain extent. I always want to better myself and will always be reaching for that next goal. However, the article says that you're never satisfied with your achievements. Which I find in myself as untrue. I've accomplished a lot of amazing things in my life and I'm very happy with what I've done. However, if an opportunity presents itself to achieve another goal, then I don't pass on the opportunity to try.

9. Procrastinate to do it at the "right" moment - I don't think that my brain thinks about this. I just procrastinate because I think I'm a tad bit lazy. I don't think it has anything to do with my mind thinking that it's the right time and I'm going to produce better work if don't at a certain time.

10. Constantly spot mistakes when others don't see any - Perfect example of this. About year ago I sold cakes. I love love love to make custom cakes for people. I am quite good at it and it helps me relieve stress. I made a cake for someone that, to everyone else, looked spectacular. But to me, I saw so many mistakes that I almost threw the cake away and started over again. Even though the original cake took me 8 hours to bake and decorate.

11. Spend copious amounts of time just to perfect something - this is something I struggle with everyday. In my job, I have a lot of deadlines I have to meet. I find it hard to meet them sometimes because I spend too much time on a particular part of the project to get it perfect that I'm either not happy with the product I have created or I'm behind and don't get it dont on the deadline because I've spent too much time on another section.

This article didn't bring up anything that I didn't already know. I'm a perfectionist. Always have been. The article does talk about how our culture shapes how much of a perfectionist we are and I would agree with that. I was raised in a military family so mistakes were not tolerated. I also work for the police department where mistakes can cost someone their life. I have this extreme need to be perfect in everything I do. Sometimes it can be a hindrance, but I'm happy that it has helped me achieve some things I wouldn't have otherwise.

Title: Organizing
Source: Flickr

Although this is not my pantry, mine looks very similar to this. Everything has to be in it's own place and it's own bin and everything has to match and be lined up. I think this is perfectionism and OCD at the same time.


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