Week 13 Reading Notes: Seven Secrets of the Goddess. Gaia's Secret Part 1 and 2 h

For this assignment, I chose to watch the Epified videos, The Seven Secrets of the Goddess. Which can be found here. Theses videos are by Devdutt Pattanaik.

Gaia's Secret Part 1
Gaia is the earth mother in Greek mythology. A maid to Renas, the god of the stary sky. In order for her son to be born, she had to castrate the father. From the blood drops of the castration, Aphrodite was born. As well as the Arineas, the goddesses of retribution. Gaia's son, Kronos, took over as king. He ate all his children so that they would not overthrown his reign. However, Gaia saved a son, Zeus, from being killed by Kronos. Zeus kills him and takes over ruling the gods from Mount Olympus.

It then goes on to tell another story of Sedna and her father. They are in a boat and are attacked by seagulls. To save himself, he throws his daughter overboard. When she tries to climb back in, he cuts off her fingers. When she tries again, he cuts off her arm. (Okay, at this point, I'm thinking what the actual **** is going on? Who does that?) She then turns into all the creatures of the sea and if you want to hunt them for food, you have to make her happy.

The next part talks about Adya. Who was the mother of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. Shiva agreed to be her lover (gross), but only if she gave him her third eye. He then used it to destroy her. From her ashes came three goddesses who then became the wives of each of her sons. Also were born the Grama-Devis. The goddesses of every human settlement.

The next goddess they talk about is Atum from Egyptian mythology. This was before gender was a thing. She was the mother of the god of air, Shu, and the goddess of dew, Deafnut. And the god of earth, Geb and the goddess of the sky, but. Those two gave birth to the first king and queen of human civilization.

The next part of the video is where it talks about in nature how the females are fought over by the males and how each female gets to choose her mate. However, in human societies, the importance of females has declined. But it does talk about how woman are necessary to continue the species and how it only takes one male to facilitate this reproduction. There are several cultures that show groups of woman being worshiped by a single male. The males either have to fight for that position or they have to submit to the women's choosing.

The male could not refuse the woman who chose him. If a male forced himself on a female, he would be killed. If someone attacked the male that the female chose, then they would be killed. It also talks about how the dominant males were killed at regular periods so that he wasn't the only one that could be with her (that's messed up). If she chose someone as a lover, it was a death sentence. Some cultures believe that the lovers would go away after the mating season and then come back. However, if they wanted to live, then they had to castrate themselves.

Then the video talks about terms used today that meant something very different back then. Virgin in modern times means a female that has not had intercourse. Back then, it was any woman who was able to bear a child. So once you began to ovulate, then you were considered a virgin. They also talked about whore. Today it means prostitute. Back then, it meant any woman who was free to go from man to man. Back then, the concept of marriage and being with only one person was very very different than it is today.

After watching this video, I'm really not sure where I would come up with something for a story. There were several mentions of goddesses in the Indian culture, but nothing that peaked my interest to write a story.

Gaia's Secret Part 2
In the first part of this video, it links women with sex, death and power. Woman who withhold it are causing death. Woman who offer it give power and control over lives. If you don't have sex with a woman, then you will become strong. It says if you reject woman and their lusty ways then you will be free from suffering. BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

It then takes a turn for the dark where woman were being traded for their reproductive purposes. Those men who didn't have money resorted to kidnapping and raping woman to make babies so they could renounce the world and be free from suffering....ummm.... I guess there are parts in both epics that the women are kidnapped. I just thought it went along with the weird killing, creepy, kidnappy vibe, but the more I think about it, the epics are pretty dark tales.

It then takes a few minutes to tell the history of prostitutes. How the woman had to sell their bodies and their uterus to get by. And how the term was for any woman who freely "discarded her lover for money". Then it talks about how woman lost ownership of their own bodies because of this.

It then talks about the different kinds of marriage. One is where the woman approaches the man and chooses him. The next is where the male approaches the father and asks for his hand. The next is where the father promises the daughter and some gifts in exchange for marriage. The following one is where the daughter is offered as payment for services rendered. However once they are wives, they are limited to the number of men she is allowed to sleep with. She also has to have permission from her husband to be with these other men.

Needless to say, this video talked a lot about sex. Men's anxieties about it and their inferiority to the woman and their need to control them. I'm really really not sure what to do with this video. I have ZERO ideas for stories. It mentioned several things in the video, but honestly I have no desire to look into any of them. This was pretty dark for the stuff that I've seen. I know it exists in every culture, but I'm good with out knowing more about it.

Title: Gaia
Source: Flickr


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