Extra Credit Reading Notes: The Giant Crab and Other Tales Part A

For this reading assignment, I read The Giant Crab and Other Tales retold by W.H.D. Rouse.
In the first story, The Giant Crab, it tells a tale about a lonely crab that lives in a lake. When animals come to drink, he clips them with his claws and drowns them and eats them. One day, an elephant and his wife decide to trick the crab so that he stops killing all the other animals. When the crab gets the husband, the wife begs him to let him go. The crab said he would if she gives him a kiss. While she is pretending to be interested, the husband escapes and kills the crab. The elephants are praised by the other animals and made king and queen of the land. I thought it might be funny to turn this into a dating situation. Where a guy is a serial dater. A girl is duped by the guy and then her friend devises a plan to get him back. I’m sure there is a rom-com out there with a similar plot.

Find the link to this story here!

The next story I read was The Wise Parrot and the Foolish Parrot. This story is about a man who asks his two parrots to watch the maid and report back to him. The man suspected that she was stealing from him. Indeed, she was a thief. One parrot confronted her and called her out on it. She tricked him into getting close and then plucked all his feathers out. The other parrot kept his mouth shut. When the master returned, the maid told him that the parrot is the one stealing sugar and she plucked all his feather out as punishment. The “foolish” parrot kept repeating the same thing over and over and eventually told the master what had happened. The maid was fired and that was that. When I read this story, it reminded me of a cartoon I used to watch when I was younger, Pinky and the Brain. I think it would be fun to do a blurb from this show as the setting to retell this story!

Find the link to this story here!

Image Source: imgflip
Title: Pinky and The Brain

I saw this meme of Pinky and The Brain and I couldn't resist! I thought it was hilarious considering this is pretty much all I do every night!


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