Famous Last Words: Dropped Classes

Picture taken from my phone
Coffee is my happy place for sure!

This week has been quite an adventure! I dropped one of my classes and I can’t say that I’m sad about it. Taking an evening class from 6:30pm-9:20pm after having two classes right before is rough! I also felt that I wasn’t successfully handling the material for the course. The only thing that stresses me a bit about dropping it is that it will push back my graduation date.

This week I also went through the hiring process at work for a different job. I had three grueling interviews and was stressed the whole dang week! After it was all said and done, I was not selected for the position, but I made it into the top two applicants so I feel pretty good about that. My partner, the one who was chosen for the position, was at least a worthy opponent so I can’t be too upset that I wasn’t selected. And at the end of the day, I still have a job that pays well and I get 6 days off every other week! It could be a lot worse.

I’m hoping that since I have one less class to worry about, I can finish out the semester strong. I have been behind in every single one of my classes and it’s been frustrating. I’m glad this class is a little more flexible in how we earn points and the timeline in which we have to do things. Otherwise, there is no way I’d be able to catch back up! My strategy for the remaining weeks is to do everything on my days off. I can’t seem to get a lot done during my 8 days on. So today and tomorrow I plan to finish up week 11 and get a head start on week 12 and then my next set of 6 days off finish up 13, 14 and 15. Hopefully that will get me caught up on points and back in good standing!


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