Tech Tip: Canvas Mobile App

This week I decided to do the tech tip on the Canvas Mobile App. I thought this would be a great tool that I could use when I'm out and about and can't or don't want to drag out my laptop. However, after using it the last two semesters, I'm a little disappointed, for a couple of reasons.

1st reason: I have a small phone. I don't use it for the normal things people do like videos and games and all that. I use it to call people and text and on occasions I take pictures. I have some useful apps on my phone that help with my everyday life. I downloaded Canvas so it would be easier to check due dates and notifications easier than checking e-mail. However, because my phone is small, it's hard to navigate through everything and there is a lot of scrolling involved. If you're going to use the app, I would only recommend it for the larger phones or tablets. Not for tiny phones that aren't graphic forwards.

2nd reason: I love the idea of Canvas and that all my classes have one central hub that I can see when things are due, have links to assignments and but up to date on everything. The first semester at OU, all my classes were Canvas heavy. But the more I'm here, the less and less my instructors are using it. I know that for some classes, like this one, Canvas is not the best platform to do everything that is needed. However, a lot of my other classes require that you purchase an additional code to a website in order to complete homework. Some of them integrate pretty well and things like due dates and grades immediately transfer to canvas. But in other classes, like my finance class, there is not even a link on Canvas to the other website. I have a completely separate bookmark that I have to use to get to that sight and then I have to check all due dates there. It's kind of annoying and a lot to keep up with. I like having at least all the due dates on the Canvas calendar so I can keep better track of things.

Overall, I don't think the app is that useful. Some people might like it, but I haven't found a use for it, other than to check grades when they post them for finals lol.


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