Time Strategies

Picture Cat Writer. Author Fazelrodrigues1
Taken October 18th, 2017 Source: https://Wikimedia/wikipedia/commons/6/65/Procrastination.jpg
I read several of the articles on time management for this assignment, as this is something I struggle with. However, the two I took the most away from were:
4 Questions to Help You Overcome Procrastination by Peter Banerjea
The Myth of Too Busy by Tim Grahl
In the second article about being too busy, it talks about re-phrasing the word busy and stating you didn't prioritize a certain task or event. I thought this was an interesting way of looking at it. I say, "I'm too busy" quite frequently. I've never thought about how I prioritize my time in that way before. I just have a list of things I need to get done and I try and squeeze them all in. I also liked that the article said if it's not moving your towards your goals, then you don't need it in your life. I think this is advice I can use. If it's not moving me forward for my family, career or academic goals, then I really shouldn't be spending my time doing those things.
In the first article about procrastination. It asked four simple questions to get yourself up and going when you really just don't want to do something. For me, these two articles kind of tied into each other. I don't prioritize my time well, but I think a big part of that is because I am a professional procrastinator! This first article gave me some good ideas on how to start the process of the things I don't enjoy doing. And once I'm better at not procrastinating, I can prioritize my time better so it doesn't seem that I'm so "busy" all the time.
As far as prior techniques that I use to manage my time, I'm a big fan of checklists. I initially read that article first, but I didn't see anything in there that I don't already do. They are 100% correct though when they talk about how satisfying it is to mark items off the list! Last semester I feel I managed my time okay. However, I piled WAYYYYY too many things on my plate and I was quite overwhelmed. When it was all said and done, I was slightly disappointed with my performance. But, having had those experiences, I have learned that it is okay to either take a step back and do less with more quality or I can simply say no to things. I don't have to be super mom, super student and best friend to everyone I meet all at the same time. I can take less hours to be home more with the kids. I can skip a dinner with friends to study on a Saturday every now and then.
Overall, I think these articles had some really great information in them. They pointed you in the right direction to ask questions of how your own personal schedule, habits and shortcomings are preventing you from doing the things you want. They were generic enough to apply to multiple situations, but specific enough to tailor each individual's needs. Good reads!
(Note on the picture I chose. This reminds me of me trying to get my homework done after work and putting the kids to bed! I laughed and it seemed fitting)
I need to make a growth mindset cat with that image, Sarah: so cute! And that cat was seriously asleep, ha ha. When you go on back to the earlier assignments for this week (it's probably easier to do them in order), you'll see some tips on making links in Blogger with link text instead of the http blah blah blah and also the magic Tx button to remove formatting when you copy and paste from elsewhere (Tx adjusts the formatting to fit the font, colors, etc. of your blog template). Anyway, it is so cool to see a post pop up in the blog stream! Yay! And when you do the favorite places post you'll see it has some basic tips on Blogger features and such. Have fun!!! :-)