Title: Copenhagen, Denmark Source: Wikimedia Welcome to the comments section for my portfolio page. I will be adding stories to my portfolio that reflect some of my favorites from the Epics we read. These stories will be versions told in my own words with my own personality. I hope you enjoy the read and feel free to comment, suggest or give feedback on the things you like, don't like or could use improvement. Here is a link to my GoogleSites . Enjoy the read and have a great semester! P.S. Image information - I originally had set this up to be a storybook. After getting behind, it was best for me to switch. However, I decided to leave the coffee picture as my image. While I won't be talking about food for my storybook, coffee is still an important thing in my life. Every time I sit down to write a story, I ALWAYS have a cup close by. It helps my brain do it's thing. I felt it fitting to leave the image here since it is a part of every story (even if not exp...
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