Storybook Favorites

The first story book that I really enjoyed was titled The Epics of Food. Here is a link to this storybook: The Epics of Food. Naturally I clicked on this one because I love food! The introduction is short, simple and to the point. The author outlines the three stories that are told. I also though this storybook was interesting because it not only talked about the characters and how they relate to food, but it also provided a history for each food and how it relates to the culture. I thought it was a great take on something that could be potentially difficult to be creative with. Food is a necessity to sustain life so I thought it interesting to also see how she relates this to life in her posts.
Kheer with Condensed Milk
Source: Wikimedia

The next storybook I clicked on simply started out of curiosity. The title of the storybook is Looney Tunes Goes to India. Here is a link to this one: Looney Tunes Goes to India. I feel like I couldn’t not check this one out. Sure enough, the introduction page is full of images from the Looney Tunes cartoon show. I also thought this was a very interesting take on the assignment. I would have never thought to turn it into a whimsical cartoon version. Although the writing style was a bit hard for me to get through, overall I think this storybook wins for creativity.

Looney Tunes Careta
Source: Wikimedia

The last storybook that I chose as one of my favorites was purely on style. The title of this one is Tales of Kailasa. Here is the link to this great design: Tales of Kailasa. What I liked most about this storybook is the formatting and the color. All of the pictures included were vibrant and fit well with the content of the stories. They are also more traditional pictures, which I happen to enjoy immensely. I also liked that the text was written on a non-white background and had pictures embedded into the words instead of just at the top or bottom. This gave it a more professional appearance. It also gave it more pizzazz than a white background with black text. I’m not sure I can pull off formatting like this, but I will definitely keep in mind some of the things I enjoyed about this format when creating my own storybook.

Kailasa Temple Ellora
Source: Wikimedia
P.S. I really thought this picture was amazing. The architecture of this temple that was constructed in honor of Shiva Kailasa is incredible. This is now on the list of places I would like to visit!


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